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Project proposals

Updated 2020-05-06


Information-centric networking (ICN) address data by name contrary to Internet Protocol host-centric paradigm. As a result, data in information-centric networking is not strictly associated to an end-host IP address, but can be retrieved by hop-wise replication and in-network caching instead of end-to-end IP stream. In IOT perspective, this provide an ability to relax the demand for continued connectivity, and thus this is mention as a potential alternative solution for networking for the IOT. ICN is oriented around publish-subscribe, and hence information is pulled by requesting data of interest. Two data packets are used. INTEREST request data, while DATA is sent in respond to the INTEREST and hold the requested content.


General assumption for ICN is bidirectional links, that is, traffic is transmitted in both direction over a link. This general assumption is not always true in dynamic wireless networks, and thus neither true in the IOT operating over wireless links. In wireless environments, link quality can vary both over a long timeframe, as well, as over a shorter timeframe. The link error will also typically differentiate over the direction of the link.

Master assignment

The master candidate should build an IOT network, and further evaluate the network using NDN for acquiring data of interest. The candidate should further identify the problem of asymmetric links, and eventually propose a solution to mitigate the identified problem(s).

Video conferencing over ICN


Distributing and manipulating named information is a major application in the Internet today. In addition to web-based content distribution, video and especially videoconferencing are examples of popular services. Today one or more central servers are responsible for connecting the participants running a video conference. The cost of running this central server is not negligible due to hardware, software, management of the server and providing sufficient network resources. Typically, the central server establish an end-to-end TCP/UDP stream to each participant, and further send equal content on each data stream.

Information-centric networking (ICN) address data by name contrary to Internet Protocol (IP) host-centric paradigm. As a result, data in information-centric networking is not strictly associated to an end-host IP address, but the data is retrieved by hop-wise replication and in-network caching instead of end-to-end IP stream. The architecture is therefore potential more suitable for videoconferencing than IP.


Uninett, the Norwegian research network operator, facilitates tele and video conferences over IP using one or more central servers. Uninett is interested in exploring the benefits in using video conferencing based on ICN solution(s) instead of IP. Can the conferencing infrastructure be scaled better? Can media streams with higher quality and less latency be provided? Can ICN integrate with state-of-the-are WebRTC based systems?

Project proposal

The project proposal has two parts. The first and main part is technical and amis to build a testbed based on NDN, and further evaluate NDN video conferencing when assuming Uninett and campus networks as the network topology. The second part is economical. The potential benefits should be compared with costs, e.g. increased scalability and media quality v.s. costs of introducing and integrating NDN in Uninett.